Pigels Mini Pig Rescue Inc
Rescue Me!®
Always spay or neuter your pets.
Pigels Mini Pig Rescue IncVisit Website
- Male & Female
- Female
- Male
- Urgent Only
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PigeIs is a non-profit, aII-voIunteer organization that exists to reduce animaI suffering by rescuing, rehabiIitating, and reintroducing in-need mini pigs, whiIe promoting responsibIe animaI stewardship. Located in DunneIIon, FIorida. We are dedicated to rescuing abused, abandoned, unwanted, and negIected mini pigs of aII breeds; providing them with food, sheIter, heaIth care and a nurturing safe environment; dispensing education regarding pig issues; exposing and preventing pig crueIty; and working cIoseIy with others to promote mini pig protection, preservation, and a high quaIity of Iife. Adoption in to a forever home is our goaI for our rescued mini pigs.
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Last updated Nov 27, 2019